The Grove Theatre and The Horticultural Society presents
Story Pole
Join us for this free event to connect to one another & to nature
Wednesday, June 21 at 7 pm
National Indigenous People’s Day
The Grove Theatre, Fenelon Fairgrounds, 27 Veterans Way
Sean Cox - Co-Founder and Co-Artistic Director of The Grove Theatre
Kathy Armstrong from the Horticultural Society
Rodney Smith-Merkley - pastor at Wesley and Curve Lake United Church. Rodney works one day a week for the United Church's East Central Ontario (ECO) Region (churches from Kingston to Oshawa) as minister for Respectful Relationship and Indigenous Justice, and is a co-keeper of the Bobcaygeon Truth and Reconciliation Community.
Mike Perry - Councillor, Ward 3 and Citizen: Métis Nation of Ontario
Smudging - This practice is based on traditional beliefs that the smoke produced is a means of purification and to create a positive mindset for those involved in the activities.
Traditional Ojibwe Drumming
Kris Nahrgang - Mississauga Ojibway carver and painter - designer of the Story Poles